Deck Fittings 1 |
Made from 25mm (1") hard-wood (Tawa) dowel. First, cut rim on dowel rod (rotate in power saw). Then drill centre with big brad-point drill. Then cut off dowel. Glue them all onto piece of CF cloth and trim them. Cut side slots and top groove for 2mm Spectra cord. Epoxy this in two wraps, finishing with ends underneath. |
Deck Fittings 2 |
Can see two fittings - for bungy hold-downs for fore-hatch and for deck lines. Fittings are installed (from underneath) through 7/8" holes (cut with Forstner bit in hand-drill). Took some individual filing to cater for variation in finished deck thickness. Then epoxied in place & sanded flush. |
Deck Fittings 3 |
Can see a bunch of these fittings on the afterdeck - for hatch security & deck bungies. Total of 19 in the boat. Total weight of 20 was 143 gms... Put in when deck was still free, so I could put a fillet of WEST's 'very-light-weight' epoxy fairing compound over their inside protrusion. I didn't want them snagging dry-bags (or me). Doubt if that added much weight, it's like whipped cream. |
Stern - Pick-Up fitting |
Made from a loop of 7mm Spectra, epoxy saturated, and 'glassed' into hull and onto keel. Loop protrudes through deck (re-inserted piece cut out of deck). Should provide very strong boat tie-down and pick-up capability, since strength is not dependant on hull-deck joint. |
Bow Pick-Up fitting |
Same concept as stern fitting - just harder to install (hull is very narrow here. It seems to work well. Boat is not yet shiny - still only rough-sanded (60 grit). |