Backbone from Stern |
Stations are at 254mm (10") on this design, as deck strips are very thin (3.5mm or 1/8"). |
Backbone from Bow |
Backbone supports are admittedly overkill... Was waiting for the plans. Black bases are solid steel - weigh in at about 25 Kg each - very good for planing & longboarding. |
Hull Begins |
Nothing fancy in the way of strip designs - I was trying to move quickly. Used 1/4" cove & bead on the hull strips, which were all 5mm (3/16") thick WRC. |
Hull Nearly Stripped |
Now feeling like a boat. |
Deck Begins |
Used bevels on the deck strips, which were all 3.5mm (1/8") thick WRC. Felt that cove & bead was not useful on such thin strips. All strips were about 17mm (11/16") wide. |
Slowly Getting Fairer |
Probably planed too much. Should have gone to a longboard sooner. Made one up to use full-length 100x600 (4" x 24") belt sander belts. 40 grit on that gets you sweating freely! |
Glassed - Bow |
130 gm (4oz) e-glass on deck, 200 gm (6-oz) satin-weave s-glass on hull. Boy, is there ever a difference in ease of wetting-out. |
Glassed - Rear Deck |
Deck is still very, very floppy at this stage. |
Light Weight Coaming (will have CF coaming & lip) |
Put in place to give some stiffness to the deck - and to provide part of the mold for a CF coaming. |
CF-Kevlar for inside hull & deck |
Carbon Kevlar 190 gm (5.6-oz) fabric went over the entire inside of hull & deck. Almost certainly overkill, but I was very careful with the resin and I'm very happy with the resulting strength. |
Coaming in the Rough |
Used packing tape over foam to mould-in-place. Stuck to Nick's shape, as it seemed about right. I can hook knees under side-decks and also raise knees in centre. I am 1.85m (6' 1"). Now fits a standard spray-deck from a Storm (Current Designs). |
Fore-Hatch Internal Structure |
This is hidden when deck cut-out drops back in place. The fabric-reinforced ply structure supports a standard 250mm (10") ring with a standard rubber lid. I know these to be air-tight and easy to use. I am pleased at the perfectly original 'look' to the fore-deck - with this, very practical, hatch hidden under it. |
Inside nearly done |
Rudder pedals (Prijon - click-stop adjustable) tracks and clear PVC tubes for the rudder lines (2mm Spectra) in place. Also seen is the rear hatch coaming. This will be a neoprene cover, with a solid cover over. It's a biggish hatch, for large items - like my notebook. |
Hull-Deck Joining |
Used lots of strap-clamps, tie-downs and plastic pallet-wrap - with a minimum of sticky tape, because I hate cleaning the sticky off the boat. Had to 'prop up' the centre of the rear deck (about 15mm) to put some curve into it - otherwise it wanted to overlay the hull on each side. You can also see the rudder-line exit points on the rear deck. |